Campus Thrive was started by 5 middle school students in 2003. These students saw a need for a student led Christian Club in their school. So they decided to do something about it. Since then we have expanded to 7 different schools in Georgia. We are currently at the schools below. If you want to be a student leader we encourage you to fill out the consent form specific to your school.

School - Club Location - Training Location - Training Days - Club Day and Time - Club Volunteers - Club Contact

Bay Creek: Grayson United Methodist Church, Nalepas’ Room, Tuesdays @ 8:15, Thursdays @ 8am, Kevin Grier, Connor Fowler,

Mcconnell: Mrs.Mckay's Room, Mrs.Mckay's Room, Tuesdays @ 8:15, Thursdays @ 8am, Cam Free, Randy Rainwater,

Couch: Computer/Robitics Room, Mrs. Kelly Jones' room, Tuesdays @ 8:15, Thursdays @ 8am, Elise Free, Anita Rainwater,